Monday, February 2, 2009

Dean's been busy working on a quilt for her husband, and Linda and I have been helping out. Dean does the sewing, Linda has been helping with the ironing and the cutting and I help with the squaring up. Gonna be a nice quilt when you finish with it Dean.

We had our meeting on the 28, and discussed a few items. Carol would like for us to get together and do the napkin wraps for the Valentine dance at the Center. She suggested doing it on the 11th of February, which is our normal business meeting and the Wednesday before the dance. Please try to make the meeting and plan on staying after a little while so we can work to get the napkins wrapped, the more we have the quicker it gets done. We had a few gifts that were brought in for Susan's B-Day party, which they celebrated earlier in the month with a suprise party for her. But she still got some nice gifts, and went home with a carload.

And of course, what would a trip be to Fredericksburg if we didn't stop in at Pocketful of Poises. We all dropped a little cash there, and we all walked away with some new ideas. Thanks Barbara and Dean for spending the day with me. We sure did have a wonderful time, and of course we look forward to doing it agian, maybe with a bigger group next time.

Lo and behold, on our way back to the truck, we just happened to stumble upon a fudge shop! Who would have thought that they would have on of those in Fredericksburg. They had a wonderful assortment of chocolate's and a big selection of sugar free stuff, this made the whole group happy!

After spending about 2 hours at the gem show, we headed off to Fredericksburg in search of lunch. Of course you couldn't park on Main street so we parked a block off of Main and did some walking. We had lunch at a cute little restaurant, and were able to catch out second wind.
This was a really cool cow skull that had been covered in turquoise, the picture really doesn't do it justice.

What a great time we had on a girl's day out. Barbara, Dean and I did a road trip to Fredericksburg to a gem and mineral show. We saw some of the most amazing rocks, they even had a black room where the rocks glowed in the dark. It was awesome!